Saturday, January 30, 2016


I have gotten really good at doing the rigging, but, I like being on the other end smiles, and it is very hard to find someone to tie me up.  I may run an ad in the paper for a villain or two, that would be fun.

I need someone to capture me, and one to tie me up!!

New things coming, keep a check out for February 7 Super Bowl



Anonymous said...

What's happening on February 7 super bowl.

Besides the Broncos beating the Panthers.

Superbecca said...

LOLOL who knows what will happen that day

Anonymous said...

would love to see you modeling in your SUPERBECCA & DEFENDER costumes for your weekly website?

Superbecca said...

I do that all the time

Anonymous said...

I mean still posing dear

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

I would love to capture you, and if I lived closer I would!

Superbecca said...

That would be awsome!

Anonymous said...

You are getting pretty good at self ties. Keep up the great work becca.

Superbecca said...
