Saturday, January 2, 2016

happy 2016

New things to come
this year!


Anonymous said...

Just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter. Wow Becca

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Hope we see you in situations like this a lot in the new year!

Superbecca said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start the year. Thanks for all you do becca

Superbecca said...

Smiles your welcomed

Anonymous said...

Becca thanks for a GREAT PHOTO

Superbecca said...

Your welcomed

Anonymous said...

Supergirlbecca Sure looks helpless. Just the way we like her.

Superbecca said...

Loves Helpless

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with Fiendish. I hope we do! !!!

Anonymous said...

Does Superbecca finally escape? Do we have to tune in next week?

Anonymous said...

Becca you look hot in Blue. That may be my new favorite color

Anonymous said...

Becca does the Villan ever come back for you

Anonymous said...

Becca I think you need carried away from there to someplace more confiding.

Superbecca said...

what did you have in mind?

Houndog said...

I'll take 1 superbecca to go hold the ball gag.

Anonymous said...

Hey lady are their more pictures like this?

Superbecca said...

yes they will be coming soon!

Anonymous said...

Where can I find them?

Superbecca said...

THey are not posted yet

Superbecca said...

Will be in the superherione updates soon

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog where are your updates?

Superbecca said...

On my website

Anonymous said...

The only thing missing is some kryptonite.

RJ said...

And this photo is even SEXIER !

Superbecca said...


Anonymous said...

Great looking legs, probably the best on the internet. Are we going to see more of them this year?