Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Defender Hogtied and ball gagged


Anonymous said...

would love to meet the defender in person,its been a dream of mine

Anonymous said...

Defender one of my favorites.

Superbecca said...


Anonymous said...

Defender is such a dolllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Houndog said...

Is defender smiling or is she just happy to see the camera.

Anonymous said...

Maybe both.

Anonymous said...

Me too.

Superbecca said...

smiles, always when tied up!

Anonymous said...

Are defender and superbecca one in the same

Anonymous said...

I don't believe they are,lol

Anonymous said...

Who is defender"s. Alter ego?

Anonymous said...

Who is defender when she's not defender?

Anonymous said...

She is mild-mannered Rebecca Edwards !!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

And a doll baby.

Superbecca said...

smiles thanks