Saturday, January 16, 2016


Kryptonite always
gets to me!


Anonymous said...

Looks like Superbecca has got herself into another mess.
Captured in a box?

Anonymous said...

Looks like Superbecca has got herself into another mess.
Captured in a box?

Anonymous said...

Why is our Superbecca in a box with kryptonite.

Anonymous said...

probably going to sell her to the highest bidder.

Anonymous said...

should also pack red boots and a red cape inside the box to go along with her as well.

Superbecca said...

wait till you seee the video!!

Anonymous said...

Is superbecca going on a trip?

Superbecca said...

love to get your imaginations going!

Anonymous said...

would love to see SB green ball gagged more?

Superbecca said...

Sure, in my next shoot I think Superbecca needs a kryptonite Ball gag!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should bid on superbecca. The highest bid gets superbecca shipped to them.

Superbecca said...

oh my that would be interesting!

Anonymous said...

I thought of a fun way we could all “bid” on you. First, you make a 10 minute “unboxing” video. Shoot it from the winner’s POV. Post a teaser picture or two and start the bidding. We send you our bids by email. Run the auction for 4-6 weeks and at the end of each week, post the highest bid for the week and a couple more pictures. To make it more realistic, multiply serious bids by “1000” – so a $50 bid translates to “$50,000”, etc. Obviously, the highest bidder at end of auction wins the video by DVD or download link.

Superbecca said...

unboxing? this sounds interesting. I am game if everyone is.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great idea.

Superbecca said...

yes if everyone participates!

Superbecca said...

download link nowadays seem to be the choice. I rarely sell DVD's since they are available for download

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should pack Superbecca a saw'.

Superbecca said...


Anonymous said...

Any ideas on how we can get the bidding set up.

Don't forget to include shipping charges.

Superbecca said...

working on that, any ideas?

Superbecca said...

maybe who ever mentioned the post will come back and tell us more

Mr. W said...

The Auction is my idea. So was the lacing board hogtie. Been away on business but will work out the bidding scheme and post in a day or two.

Mr. W said...

The Auction is my idea. So was the lacing board hogtie. Been away on business but will work out the bidding scheme and post in a day or two.

Mr. W said...

So here is a recommended bidding scheme. This starts after the video is made and several still photos have been taken to promote it throughout the auction.

1. The period runs for 4 – 6 weeks, beginning on a Monday, where Becca posts 1-2 still photos from the shoot and sets the starting bid.
2. Bidding is done by email, and runs from the first Monday, until close. Each Friday at 6 PM ET, the three highest bidders and their bids are posted to the blog.
3. Every Monday, 1-2 additional still photos are posted to the blog, to keep the bidding going.
4. To add realism, actual bids are “multiplied” by 1000 to become “virtual” bids for the auction. For example, someone’s $50 bid is translated to a $50,000 virtual bid.
5. Wildcards (Becca’s option). To boost the bidding, “extras” (specific type of gag, collared, or a prop like a paddle that is visibly placed in the box for the winner – you get the inference) is offered for a set price on top of the bid, range $5 – 10 ($5,000 – 10,000 “virtual”).
6. At the end of the bidding period, the winner is announced, and SB is “delivered” (via the video).

Video concept. Think of this as an extension of a video like Vid 309 “Defender Sold to the Highest Bidder”. What happens afterward, when she’s delivered and “unboxed”? So the video is shot from the winner’s perspective (POV), opening the box after the auction is over.

Final note. Since Becca retains the rights to even her custom videos, she could stipulate up front that it might be posted at a later date (after the winner has had their prize for a while, of course) for all of the members. Done right, I’ll bet it will inspire even greater demand for a second auction!

Superbecca said...

This sounds, great, I may need some help with this, so if you want to email me we can discuss it, if not, then I don't even know where to begin, sounds great though

Superbecca said...

The regular superbecca costume?

Anonymous said...

You can ship to me in any costume.

Superbecca said...


Mr. W said...

Exactly! Why not put it to a vote? Emailing you some more on this in a couple of days.


Superbecca said...

great idea

Anonymous said...

Do we get to decide who goes in the box, after we vote?

Superbecca said...

we will take a vote