Wednesday, January 20, 2016



Anonymous said...

love that you added the red mask to defender.She is even more sexy if that is possible.

Anonymous said...

the defender costume is timeless ,remember you wearing it way back in 98-99

Anonymous said...

Defender one of my favorites

Superbecca said...

thank you!

Anonymous said...

Defender s costume is quite unique very sexy

Houndog said...

Poor defender where are all your superheronie friends when you need them.

Anonymous said...

Becca is this a video?

Superbecca said...

it was a video but Defender could not keep her top on, so no it won't be available, sorry. during her struggles it kept coming off,

Anonymous said...

that great inside information to know Defender

Anonymous said...

I remember reading a post long ago that someone asked you to see Defender tied to a wooden horse?Are you going to do that soon,you did say a while back if im correct you were going to do it?

Anonymous said...

I can see why you are very shapely. Super hot and Sexy!

Superbecca said...

Yes she has been tied to that many many times over the years, now it is not a horse any more it is a spanking bench, so right now I dont have a wooden horse any more

Anonymous said...

Did you say spanking bench? Now that is something to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

well then have Defender tied and gagged to the spanking bench

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good video why dosent someone order that for a custom video.

Superbecca said...

that would be nice

Anonymous said...

Poor defender.

Anonymous said...

Poor poor defender.

Anonymous said...

Its time to string her up and let her dangle in the air?

Anonymous said...

I can't tell is Defender smiling for the camera?

Superbecca said...


Superbecca said...

Probably so since her top slipped off!!