Thursday, January 14, 2016

Poor SB she always gets the cloth!



Houndog said...

Cool becca. Maybe defender will save her

coreliandude76 said...

Who's the lucky guy? :) New friend of yours? A new rigger / photographer?

Superbecca said...

a villain !!!

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Quick! Tie her up before she comes to!

Superbecca said...


Anonymous said...

put a green ball gag in her lovely mouth

Houndog said...

When will superbecca ever learn she needs to look behind her when she enters a room.

Superbecca said...

If she hasn't learned by now she never will LOL

Anonymous said...

Maybe superbecca needs to be put over the villains knee and spanked so she won't let it happen again.

Superbecca said...

hmmm that is a thought!

Anonymous said...

I would give my heart and soul to have Superbecca belong to me.

Anonymous said...

Superbecca saw your blog posts of you sliding in the snow. So that's what you do on your day off.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should find a kryptonite detector for superbecca so she won't get captured.

Nay what was I thinking about.

Superbecca said...

if we did that, I would never be captured or weakened by kryptonite