Saturday, January 2, 2016

New costume

I am excited about this new year!


Anonymous said...

Hope your new suit comes with a red cape as well??

Anonymous said...

HOT. Now that's what I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

So sexy. I hope it also comes with some boots as well. Perhaps some thigh high boots are in order :D

Superbecca said...

smiles thanks for the kind words everyone, no it doesn't come with a cape, and yes red boots would be in order.

Anonymous said...

Do you plan on wearing a cape with it?

Anonymous said...

Becca you have the best looking legs on the internet. Glad you're showing them off.

Superbecca said...

Thank you for the compliments.

Anonymous said...

Becca you are making me think summer. You are Hot

Anonymous said...

As Austin powers would say sexy baby

Superbecca said...

Thank you!!

Superbecca said...

about a cape, do I need one? Opinions.

Anonymous said...

yes you do Becca

Superbecca said...

I wasn't planning on a cape

Superbecca said...

but it will hide my rear so maybe that's a good thing

Anonymous said...

oh come on your back side is great ,love the cape addition though

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the cape as well

Anonymous said...

it wouldn't be SUPERBECCA unless she had her red cape

Anonymous said...

Becca why would you want to hide any parts we love all your parts

Anonymous said...

Becca why would you want to hide any parts we love all your parts

Anonymous said...

I agree with some of the other members you should add a cape to your new

Anonymous said...

Looking good. Are their more new costumes this year

Anonymous said...

been a while since some new superheroines have arrived??

Superbecca said...

thank you all for the compliments, In my next shoot I will add a cape and boots, and see how that looks

I don't have any new costumes, unless someone sends me some!!

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be SUPERBECCA without her cape and boots?

Superbecca said...

Ok am adding cape and boots, stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Becca you look hot in Blue. That may be my new favorite color

Anonymous said...

Becca cape or no cape boots or no boots. You are still HOT as ever.

Superbecca said...

thank you

Anonymous said...

She sure is!

Anonymous said...

Boy becca that costume sure is sexy on you.

Superbecca said...


Houndog said...

I'll take 1 superbecca to go hold the ball gag.

Superbecca said...

coming right up! Some like ball gags, some don't

Anonymous said...

Wow lady I just stumbled onto your blog. You sure look super sexy. What a gorgeous set of legs you have.

Superbecca said...

thank you for the kind words

Anonymous said...

I sure would like to slip superbecca some kryptonite.

Superbecca said...

I bet you would!

RJ said...

Superbecca every time I check your blog I can't help but going to this photo. You are so SEXY.

Superbecca said...

RJ that is very kind of you to say that, Thank you

Anonymous said...

Becca would you consider coming out my way, If I paid all expenses, I would love to get the chance to tie you up, and wine and dine you.

Superbecca said...

where is out your way? and who might you be? You can email me if you would like to talk more about it, but I rarely travel.