Tuesday, March 29, 2016

question for all of you

I have a question.

Which role do you like me in best
In control

I am finding that in most of my shoots I am the victim, is that the way you want me?

Please let me know


Anonymous said...


Jim said...

I personally prefer you to be helpless...but I'm also not opposed to you being in control either.

Al said...

Becca I like when your in control. Then rendered helpless and then struggle.

Mr. W said...

Definitely rendered helpless and struggling.


Anonymous said...

yes love when your the victim, mainly as superheroines

coreliandude76 said...

Helpless, bound and gagged...

Anonymous said...

if you are not helpless it ruins my day

Mr. W said...

Definitely rendered helpless.


Phil said...

Bound and gagged. With lots of legs.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Phil

Anonymous said...

I like anything that shows off your gorgeous legs.

Superbecca said...

Thank you for all the comments. It really helps me knowing what you like

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Either way for me, but a preference for you in peril

Anonymous said...

I agree

Superbecca said...

smiles thanks

Anonymous said...

Helpless, tied up with lots of rope, thin cleave gag knotted under your hair.

Anonymous said...

Becca I like you anyway you want.

Anonymous said...

Your the reason we're here.

Superbecca said...

Thank you so much for the kind words!

Rick said...

I've actually given this some thought. Definitely prefer you KO'd, chlorod, helpless. Really like when another female is the villain. Heather is the best in my book. Really like how she verbalizes when she has you in her clutches. But given that I LOVE OTS and cradle carries, that would require a male villain. My perfect video would include both. A female villain who directs her henchman to KO and carry you to your eventual bondage scene.