Thursday, March 10, 2016


Looks like Defender cant defend herself!!!!


Mr. W said...

It's the costume. I don't know that the villian can help himself!


Anonymous said...


Breyer said...

Mr. W
Would there ever be a villain who could? With THAT costume?
I don't think ANYONE can be of sound mind when Defender's around.

Phil said...

Becca is defender a member of any superheronie league. Superman has a justice league. Are all your charactors in a league. If not maybe they should be. SUPERBECCA and the. ........ Or the DEFENDERS of..........

Anonymous said...

I hope we get to see Heather or Sasha have their way with Defender this way in the future :)

Anthony said...

Some villains have all the luck!

Anonymous said...

Becca if you need a villain sign me up!

Nelson said...

Where do I sign up?

Superbecca said...

smiles, always need a villain

Anonymous said...

Looks like the villain, is either trying to turn on the radio, or running in a station. Or maybe he's just trying to turn on defender. Lol

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but defender sure turns me on.

Anonymous said...

ME Toooooooooo

Superbecca said...


Anonymous said...

her masked smile melts my heart

Anonymous said...

Yeah Becca are they? If they are not They should be!

Superbecca said...

Thanks so much everyone, I am happy you enjoy Defender!!

Anonymous said...

I want to become her sidekick