Friday, March 18, 2016


Coming soon!!


Anonymous said...

would love to see DEFENDER arm carried more to her demise area. Maybe have her dangling down off the rafters or overhang more?

Anonymous said...

She looks so sexy and ready to be brainwashed or tortured for information.

Phil said...

Boy defender you just can't stay out of trouble.

Jeffrey said...

With that body how could she stay out of trouble

Anonymous said...

she needs to fight better she is such a pushover

Superbecca said...

Defender is fine the way she is

Anonymous said...

it would add a bit new drama

Superbecca said...

maybe if I changed her costume to one that would stay on, I would consider that

Zac said...

Becca sounds like your fan's want more struggling.

Superbecca said...

I definitely do enough of that

Anonymous said...

you are so exciting and powerful

Anonymous said...

Defender needs to be loved and cared for.

Anonymous said...

Now that's what I'm talking about.