Monday, March 21, 2016




Anonymous said...

OMG Defender is so magnificent tied up and gagged

Phil said...

Wow defender looks fantastic.

Zac said...

Hey Becca is a video. Your fan's wanted struggling. It looks like you put up one heck of a struggle. Smiles

Anonymous said...

I would scoop her up kissing her as I carried her away to a quiet spot

Anonymous said...

That's a great adjective, she really does look Magnificent!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot becca. Now I have to keep checking your blog and sites everyday to see if you post another fantastic photo. Guess what you do!!! How is a fellow going to get any work done?

Anonymous said...

Defender would make a perfect superheronie for sale.

Anonymous said...

a wonderful view everytime, even when she teases us relentlessly

Anonymous said...

I know how does she expect us to get any work done

Anonymous said...

I know I don't get much work done.I have a picture of her on my desktop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Superbecca said...


Al said...

Which one? How did you decide?

Anonymous said...

would love to see a defender hogtie strangle, just hopes

Anonymous said...

when Defender strikes a pose she is such a level above allllllllllll others

Al said...

I'm sure I've seen some on her site.

Superbecca said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

the pleasure is all mine SB

Al said...

I checked Becca's members site. Theirs a ton of photos of all her characters hogtied, including defender.

Anonymous said...

Thank You becca for you do.

Anonymous said...

yes lots of hogties, love them, but would love to see one with her struggling in a hogtie, strangle

Superbecca said...

There are some in my videos I believe, but not sure which one!