Friday, March 4, 2016

Poor Defender

Oh dear, what has
happened to Defender???
Looks like she is in trouble!!

stay tuned


Anonymous said...

Defender is quite lovely and very very sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

she needs to be kissed and feel wanted

Anonymous said...

Love to remove her red mask ,she who she really is?????????????????

David said...

Oh no not again?

Anonymous said...

This looks like a perfect spot for some tickle long could Defender hold out?

Superbecca said...

thanks everyone, Defender would not last long!!

David said...

Becca how did defender get like this. Is this a video?

Zac said...

Superbecca I just stumbled across your blog. Let me start by saying you are one of the best looking role playing models I have ever seen on the internet. Your post back in January wearing a blue outfit was fantastic. Your post wearing that little black outfit tied to the bed was equally amazing. You have a terrific pair of legs. Probably some of the best on the internet. Glad I found your blog. Do you have anything on YouTube?

Anonymous said...

Bound, spread and de-booted, probably part of a Chinese black market Superheroine slave ring.

David said...

I totally agree with you Zac. Couldn't have said it better.

Superbecca said...

Thank you so much for the kind words Zac Yes I also have a you tube channel

Superbecca said...

this is from a video coming soon!