Wednesday, March 2, 2016


From a new video
coming soon with Sasha!!!
Stay tuned


Larry said...

Becca looks too comfortable. I smell trouble.

Superbecca said...


Anonymous said...

Those legs look deadly.

Anonymous said...

Those legs should be registered as letheal weapons.

Anonymous said...

I agree they should be. In fact I'd like to be the first person to take one for the team.

Anonymous said...

You can use those weapons on me anytime you want becca.

Superbecca said...

smiles, thanks everyone

Nelson said...

Becca you need to come down to the station miss. Your letheal weapons have not been registered. Their are report's that they have caused some rioting among your fan's. Det. Nelson

Anonymous said...

Don't do it Becca keep those beautiful weapons free.

Anonymous said...

Detective Nelson. Those gams look to HOT to be bound or captured.