Thursday, January 11, 2018


Due to computer issues the update will be late.
I am sorry for this inconvenience



Tony said...

No problem Becc a fully understandable. Whatever the update is, I'm very certain it will definitely be worth the wait!

Andy said...

Sorry you're having problems Becca. Thanks for giving us the heads up. You give us more than the other sites with all the extra updates through the year. Plus the bonus updates on the holidays. I hope everyone understands it's not your fault. Computers are only great when they work.

Tony said...

You're spot on there Andy! Computers do have a habit of going down at times!

Superbecca said...

Thanks for understanding Andy & Tony

Tony said...

No problem Becca 👍👍

Dave said...

hey! these things happen, especially with computers :) I hope you have a great weekend!!