Saturday, January 20, 2018

Oh No The Joker again

What has the Joker planned for Defender ,,,,,, chloroform!


Tony said...

With that chloroform at the ready the Joker has Defender at his mercy...unless our heroine manages to escape from his sinister plans!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Defender looks like she is in quite the predicament right now...totally helpless and about to smell the sleepy time juice in order to make her even more helpless and susceptible to anything the Joker wants to do to her.

You look great in this picture Becca!

Greg said...

Not sure who's being tortured more. The superheroines, or us rabid fans awaiting this epic video.

Superbecca said...

Poor defender

housecat said...

LOL, of course it is us, she has a plan