Saturday, January 13, 2018

Update is Up!

Hey everyone

The update is up!  A thank you to Tom for helping until Dixie is back up and running.  Hope you enjoy the update and I apologize for the delay in the update



Dave said...

wow! great update! You are really melting that snow! I hope you didn't catch a cold being out there like that :)

Tony said...

Great news Becca! Keep up your wonderful work!!

Tony said...

And I've just checked out your update. WOW!! The ultimate Ice Queen!! You've certainly helped to really cheer me up Becca!! You've definitely made me forget my surgery pain!!

Breyer said...

My God! Becca, you are definitely too hot for Winter. :P

Anonymous said...

Omg what an update THE POWER & BEAUTY OF DEFENDER. Great job using your cape. Did any other superheroine get a chance to pose in the snow maybe Becca Marvel?

Superbecca said...

Thank you everyone, and I am really sorry about it being late.... It is gonna snow again next week, so stay tuned for another character in the snow.. and the Joker is still busy.....


Tony said...

Snow again? It's been forecast here for late next week..At least I won't have to go out in it!! And no need to apologise Becca. All is up and running now

Superbecca said...

Hope you recover from your surgery soon Tony!

Tony said...

Thankyou Becca. I'm feeling much better today!

Anonymous said...

Would love to see Superbecca out in the snow! Awesome update as always

Anonymous said...

Love to see Becca Marvel out in the snow as well pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.You havent featured her much at all??

Superbecca said...

Thanks for all the kind words. Last Winter I shot SuperBecca in the snow, so next on my list is Black Cardinal!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh Black Cardinal in the snow...that should be nice. Do you have a special Black Cardinal like bikini, or would you just shoot in Black Cardinal's already amazingly sexy costume?

Anonymous said...

Did you get more snow becca