Tuesday, January 16, 2018


It looks like Defender has been captured blindfolded and cleave gag, where will they take her?


Tony said...

Has The London Villain anything to do with this?!! Fabulous photo Becca!!

Andy said...

WOW I didn't know you could have the Defender delivered. Now that's what I call Fan - Tastic. Becca. You sure do go out of your way to please your fans. Smiles

Superbecca said...

Thanks Andy

Anonymous said...

He might as well strip her of her cape.She wont need it where he is taking her.Give Defender a lasting chill without her cape before it is time.

Anonymous said...

Got to love defender. She rocks!

Mr. W said...

My thoughts are secluded cabin, shipping crate, or buzzsaw! Nothing beats a classic transport scene. Great work SB!


Greg said...

Love Defender in those heels!

Anonymous said...

I figured to set you in that smaller trunk that way tied you are around 5 foot 2 inches tall??

Superbecca said...

5 ft 3 and thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm usually a boot man myself, but those red high heels do look very sexy with the Defender costume, especially when tied up.

I'm curious, have you ever tried wearing Ballet Boots? For some reason, I had an interesting image of you being imprisoned and held prisoner in Ballet Boots that made it impossible for escape. I was just wondering if you have ever tried wearing Ballet Boots before?

Superbecca said...

I did have a pair of ballet boots, but i think they may of gotten ruined with all the mold, I will have to check, I lost numerous heels and boots and outfits

Anonymous said...

What outfits did you lose was it anything we would know immediately.

Anonymous said...

He might as well strip her of her cape.She wont need it where he is taking her.Give Defender a lasting chill across her body without her cape before it is time.

Superbecca said...

there are photos on the site I think of me in ballet boots in a red dress?

Ed said...

You can bring her my way. I'll even help unload her.

Anonymous said...

he might as well strip her of her cape.She wont need it where he is taking her.Give Defender a lasting chill across her body without her cape before it is time.

Andy said...

Would love to open my trunk and find Defender like that

Superbecca said...
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Superbecca said...
