Friday, January 12, 2018

New Image

Image from.
Robyn Vs Catwoman & Henchman


Tony said...

This is a fabulous photo Becca!!

Anonymous said...

Great over the shoulder Becca. Looks like Robyn was demasked?

Superbecca said...

Thanks!! It is a screen grab from a recent video. I think all sites post screen grabs from their videos.

Greg said...

Love it! Hope that villain appreciated all that sexiness in his arms.

Superbecca said...

Thanks for the kind words Tony & Greg

Anonymous said...

Was i right about the Robyn demasking?

Superbecca said...

yes she was demasked and debooted

Anonymous said...

She also should have been decaped.She wont need it where she is going i bet,lol

Andy said...

Your right. I hope it was the buzz saw. Although it looks like she is going in the back of that car. Probably going to fulfill some fan's fantasy. Smiles

Greg said...

No buzzsaw in this video. Although Robyn would look great on the buzzsaw. Hopefully Robyn will get some buzzsaw time, or at least tied to the bed in the much anticipated Joker video.

Superbecca said...
