Saturday, December 2, 2017

What is the Joker up to? Stay tuned

What is the Joker up to?


Anonymous said...

who was in the van tied up and gagged BECCA MARVEL?

Tony said...

Now this should be very interesting indeed!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she will be hung up and dangling in the air? Having her white silver trimmed cape blowing wildly in the breeze.

Mr. W said...

I agree with you Tony! I’m curious to know who’s in the back of that van, and (most importantly), if they are properly restrained and silenced!


Greg said...

Dig the custom license plate.

Superbecca said...

smiles, thank you everyone....The joker had so many...... winks

Anonymous said...

would love to see her hung up in the air for the torture

Anonymous said...

All those superheroines he's captured should bring a pretty penny at the slave auctions...wonder if he offers free shipping?

Greg said...

Yes! with a Joker Prime membership you get free shipping. ;)

Anonymous said...

is anyone having trouble with the last video update, keeps telling me unavailable

Anonymous said...

yes i am as well

Greg said...

Actually I emailed Becca about that broken video clip on Thursday. She said that she had submitted a support ticket. 3 business days later it's still not fixed.

Superbecca said...

When you depend on someone else doing updates. This is what I deal with. I have sent numerous emails gone unanswered. Sorry. I hope it is fixed soon

Anonymous said...

You are so magnificent SB.I just adore you.

Superbecca said...

thanks smiles

Andy said...

Sorry you're having support problems. This time of year it's tuff. Thanks for all you do.

Tony said...

Becca does work extremely hard at what she does. And when other people let her down, it maKes her job even more difficult. Becca..You still do a magnificent job. You have my full support!!

Superbecca said...

Thank you everyone! The video is finally fixed!

Greg said...
