Monday, December 18, 2017

Looks like the Joker Has Mary Now

What does he have planned for her?

Stay tuned.   coming soon!


Tony said...

Now this does sound very intriguing..We shall have to wait and see!!

Anonymous said...

Her ankle bonds look a little too loose, he better do something to tighten those up. It would be a shame if she were to get out and beat him up before he gets to have his fun.

Mr. W said...

What do you suppose he’s about to do with that rope?


Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Love it! You have a great worried look on your face.

Anonymous said...

Will he strip you of your white silver trimmed cape?

Superbecca said...

Thanks everyone, no I don't think the Joker would do that

Superbecca said...

Oh don't let those ropes fool you.... The joker definitely ties tight!!!