Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Naughty elf

Naughty Elf!


Tony said...

So this Elf is up to mischief then?!!

Superbecca said...

of course!

Andy said...

Lucky Elf. Looks like he's getting the best present ever. Becca. In peril.

Anonymous said...

Dem legs tho...

Andy said...

They are great looking!!!

Al said...

Becca. Great update as always. You make the season. Smiles

Superbecca said...

Thank you

Andy said...

Merry Christmas Becca. Great Christmas Update. You gave it to us today a day before Christmas. You keep that up you'll spoil us. Those outdoor photos in the snow were fantastic. Quite the tease behind those trees. Smile

Zac said...

Hope Santa got there in time to save you from those naughty elves.

Superbecca said...

smiles.....Thanks Andy, hope you had a nice Christmas as well.