Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas

I hope everyone has a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year



Mr. W said...

Merry Christmas, SB!


Tony said...

Dear Becca. May I wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a very happy new year. And also to the members on this site. Enjoy!

Superbecca said...

Thankvyou. You too

Superbecca said...

Thank you Tony. Hope your mom is better soon. Have a great Christmas!

Tony said...

Thankyou Becca. I have just spoken to her on the phone and she is so much better. Thankyou for your wishes. Have a great Christmas too!

Andy said...

Merry Christmas Becca. Thanks for the Christmas Update yesterday.

Zac said...

Wow Becca. You looked like you could freeze your buns off in the Christmas update. Thanks for the Holiday extra. Your the only one who thinks enough of your fans to give them extra updates thanks!!!

Zac said...

Wow Becca. You looked like you could freeze your buns off in the Christmas update. Thanks for the Holiday extra. Your the only one who thinks enough of your fans to give them extra updates thanks!!!

Superbecca said...

Thank you very much everyone, glad you enjoyed the update, it was around 30 degrees in the snow bikini . We are expecting snow again this week!!

Tony said...

It was fabulous Becca. You never ever disappoint. Your update was brilliant as always! It's got cold here again and we might get snow..then when the weekend comes it's going to be mild again!!

Anonymous said...

If youre going to have snow again is SB or DEFENDER going to be outdoors any?