Monday, June 19, 2017

Gonna miss those poles

Gonna miss these poles!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of missing when is Becca Marvel returning??

Superbecca said...

I dont have request for her

Anonymous said...

Yes i also agree with the previous person can you bring her back?

Superbecca said...

order a custom, then you can have your very own!

Anonymous said...

I thought we could give ideas to your weekly website shoot? You did ask us for ideas a while back??

Anonymous said...

Where have the polls gone?

Superbecca said...

thanks for the input

Andy said...

You really should order a custom video. I've ordered several. EVERYONE has been better than expected. Becca does a fantastic job. Always. I. HIGHLY recommend.

Andy said...

You really should order a custom video. I've ordered several. EVERYONE has been better than expected. Becca does a fantastic job. Always. I. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

Larry said...

How much does a custom video cost?

Superbecca said...

Larry depends, send me an email