Monday, June 19, 2017

Defender in Chains coming soon!!

Poor Defender.....


Tony said...

Wow I love it!! Brilliant Becca!!

Anonymous said...

You are so magnificent.I just adore you.

Superbecca said...

thank you

Anonymous said...

you get my romantic juices to stirring

Jim said...

As always, you look stunning as Defender. I love the ankle shackles with those red heels. The chains look nice and restraining as well. Hopefully, you were able to escape your predicament before your captor returned to extract your secrets.

Anonymous said...

Maybe your captors will remove your nylons. Smiles

Superbecca said...

Maybe. Also the added surprise will be removed shortly

Superbecca said...

Thank you Jim

Superbecca said...

thanks everyone for the kind words

dr_quiesse said...

Maybe i'm a little to naughty (after all, i a french canadian, ho la la !...) but i would increase the chalenge by running one of those chain under her suspender... ( i beleive Defender is alway annoyed went her costume failed.