Friday, June 30, 2017

Dom vs Dom coming soon

Coming soon!


Jim said...

Oh my god! This picture looks amazing! Both you guys look so sexy in those outfits. I love the red leather gloves you have on Becca (I really hope those make their way to Defender's costume :D.

Since we can't see your face, I was curious if you are blindfolded in the picture, or if you are wearing a mask?

Superbecca said...

I was wearing a mask smiles

Superbecca said...

thanks for the kind words Jim

Zac said...

WOW super hot. Smiles

Tony said...

Absolutely WOW!! You both look awesome. Those red gloves would definitely look sexy with the Defender costume!!

Superbecca said...

Thank you Zac and Tony

dr_quiesse said...

I love this costume, it makes the competition to that of Defender, especially when the zipper is lowered. (I buy the video 425, I love it)