Friday, June 9, 2017


Looks Like Defender does not like the predicament she is in, especially in unfamiliar surroundings!  What will happen to our heroine Defender??


Mr. W said...

Looks like something I might have designed, but it remains to be seen!


Jim said...

Becca, as always, you look nothing short of amazing in your Defender costume. You wear that costume so well. And you also look simply stunning in that rope harness. I also love your eyes behind the mask. Such a sexy display of confidence.

If you don't mind me asking, have you also been debooted in your predicament or are you just sitting on your boots and we cannot see them?

Superbecca said...

Thank you for the kind words Jim. In this scenario Defender was wearing red high heels, and they came off during the struggle.

Superbecca said...

Mr. W Not yet, hopefully very soon though!!

Tony said...

Absolutely gorgeous Becca. A very beautiful woman. Absolutely stunning as usual

Mr. W said...

Worth the wait, SB!


Jim said...

Ahh yes, I always forget that Defender has her sexy high heel shoes in addition to her sexy high heel boots :D

Tony said...

Stunning photo and absolutely gorgeous Becca. Defender is the ultimate superheroine!!

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Mmmm, Defender helpless and at her captor's mercy. It doesn't get better than that!

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

The answer to your question, though is: Gagged, then taken to the pattern cutter where she can struggle in vain to escape her trap!

Anonymous said...

But why put Defender in a trap when it would be so much more fun and exciting to brainwash and convert her into an evil ally?

Zac said...

I think she needs carried away. Smiles

Zac said...

Maybe carried over the shoulder. Smiles

Superbecca said...

well any volunteers?

Tony said...

Can I volunteer?!!