Friday, March 9, 2018

Intruder video

I had no idea there was a big wardrobe malfunction in the Intruder video
I am working on having it removed from the site

Sorry about that



Andy said...

WOW I'm glad I ordered mine before you take it down. That was one lucky intruder. Smiles

Andy said...

Becca did you know their was groping also in this video?

Superbecca said...

I thought I had eddited it out!

Breyer said...

What a lucky intruder! I'm hoping that he's as lucky in the next episode!!!

dr_quiesse said...

l'm sorry for you that the wrong file went up to the net, oops !
But both me and my girlfriend find it nice and o.k., we hope for the following. (:))

Now, a question.

You puts on CBtheater some new material (and nice ) recently.
Do you have plan to make those available on ESTORE someday?

(Were we works, in the big Canadian white north, high speed internet is still a nice DSL 128K service limited bandwidth (when the satellite is not down by the northern light) so we wait to be back in the south to download all of those movies and so on on USB keys.

Thank you and keep the good works.

housecat said...

what was the accident, I guess I am lost, didn't find it

Greg said...

Same here. I bought the video as soon as it was released. Did I get a bonus?

Superbecca said...

Email me