Sunday, March 25, 2018

Fet Con

Hey everyone

I am thinking about going to Fetish Con this year if I can swing it
Anyone interested in sharing a room?  The last two times i went it was so expensive I just can't  do it by myself



Greg said...

Sounds like fun! $100 for a 4 day pass? Of course it's the travel and hotel expense that busts the bank. Will you just be attending as a visitor or as an exhibitor?

Superbecca said...

A visitor if I go, the booth etc made things more expensive. I am just thinking about it right now. Maybe I should have a fet con where I live!! North Carolina, I think that would be great

Tony said...

That would be great!!

Greg said...

Good idea Becca! Then some of your fans could come out and have a Superbecca convention. Everyone could help you with shoots at the same time.

Superbecca said...

I guess I need to rewrite what I was trying to say. I was not looking for a hook up with anyone, i just wanted to see if any one out there would like to share costs, if going to fet con. I am sorry that i seemed to have offended some folks.

Anonymous said...

This is really unfortunate...I don't see why you have to apologize for anything based on your original post.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but there is nothing about your initial post that invited unsolicited offers for a hook up. It's the people that have been soliciting you for a hook up that should be apologizing to you.

Sorry you have to deal with that kind of stuff.

Superbecca said...


housecat said...

last video on site, cant get them to play, takes like 50 minutes to view, then, they say, cant upload video, any ideas?

Superbecca said...

Housecat which video is not working properly? is it the movie theater video?

housecat said...

it was the last video, but all of them take forever to view

Superbecca said...

I just tried the videos and they downloaded and played quickly for me

Greg said...

Housecat it's a good idea to investigate every function of your computer. For a long time I had an issue with low to no audio on some of Becca's videos. Drove me crazy for awhile because the audio worked fine on most other Becca videos, as well as YouTube etc. I recently bought a new set of computer speakers and now that problem seems to be resolved.

Andy said...

Housecat 2 things you might try. Go to Internet tools find history click clear history. If that doesn't work. Click your start icon. In the search box type in. cleanmgr.exe /d c: /sageset:1 Type that with spaces Then hit enter. Check all items then click ok