Saturday, March 17, 2018

Fans and members

Hi fans and members,

     First off I would like to thank all of you for following and supporting me over the years.     I can't  tell you how much it means to me.  Those of you who have been here the longest know how modest I am.  So please understand when I get request for nudity and sexual content I am not comfortable with those request.  As I said I am modest at heart.  Having said that I recently released a video the Intruder.  It had some slight nudity and sexual content in the form of a slight groping scene.  

    I did not realize it's content until it was already posted.   Please understand I am not comfortable with such content as I have stated.   However I also realize that some fans do want to see me in little more vulnerable situations.  Therefore from time to time you may see me in scenes that in the past I have not released.

     Please understand I WILL NOT AND DO NOT do nudity and sexual videos.  From time to time I may release a video that implies a sexual theme, or may have some brief nudity.  When filming sometimes it's hard to completely eliminate all aspects of a scene.  For example It's hard to keep Defenders outfit in tact.  Smiles

    I hope I have not offended  anyone.  I am still that  Southern Belle, the girl next door type.  I love doing these videos, and I do love bringing all my fan's Fantasies To Life.  I hope everyone understands.   Please continue to order videos etc.   Please continue to order custom videos  "They are my favorite".

Thank You All for your support   

Love  Becca     "Your Southern Belle"


Greg said...

Thanks Becca. I think for me, who you are is a big part of your appeal. I've never gone for the silicone boob, botox, plastic surgery over the top look of most fetish models. It is your approachable, girl next door vibe that does it for me. All my life I've always been attracted to more mature women as well. You have aged like a fine vintage wine. Many more years to come I hope.

Tony said...

Becca you are absolutely fabulous in what you do. I have the utmost respect for you and in absolute honest you are absolutely beautiful. I will always continue to be a member as the work you do is fantastic and you are also very genuine too. You are beautiful..Both inside and out. You are the ultimate superheroine.

Anonymous said...

Becca like the Jerry Reed song. When Your Hot Your Hot, When your not your not.
Becca you are definitely hot, with or without clothes. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand why you are apologizing... Stuff happens in the fetish world, and I would hope that your fans are understanding enough to support you when you do choose to go the more erotic or sexual route (whether intentionally or unintentionally).

I mean, we are all here because we like seeing you in your sexy costumes, playing with sexy models, in sexy bondage/peril scenarios. We all have some kind of kink that draws us to you and your website (in addition to other ones I assume).

Anyways, I don't feel that you have anything to apologize for as it was a mistake that you moved to correct.

Also, keep kicking ass and doing what you do Becca!

Superbecca said...

Thank you everyone, I appreciate your feedback

housecat said...

I want to see you abused and used, so I cant honestly say, I saw anything in the video that was wrong, hope to see more of you getting? rubbed?