Saturday, February 17, 2018

Mistress Becca

Mistress Becca captures Robyn!


housecat said...

I wanna see you get abused, I don't care about all this stuff where you are the abuser, doesn't exite me at all

Jim said...

I like seeing Becca as the Dom. It fun to see her in the driver's seat every now and again. That being said, I do prefer her as the one being captured and tormented, but she always pulls off the dominant role pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Becca Sounds like they need to order a couple of customs. Smiles

Superbecca said...

How would you like me abused?

Superbecca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Superbecca said...

It would help smiles

Greg said...

I know we all have our own preferences, but I think abused is a bit harsh. This is after all about fantasy within certain limits. I prefer to see Becca on the receiving end of peril, helplessness, bondage, KO/chloro. No matter how young and beautiful the models are that work with Becca, it is Becca herself that is the attraction that keeps me coming back to her site. There's just something about Becca being the one in peril that does it for me.

Andy said...

I couldn't AGREE MORE Greg.
She is why most of us keep coming back. She is a delight.

Anonymous said...

I could be wrong, but I don't think housecat meant "abused" in the traditional sense as there aren't too many of Becca's videos that feature harsh types of abuse...most of them involve her being "abused" in a more erotic and sexy way.

Technically, any form of "torture" is a form of any time she is being tickled, spanked, fondled, or injected with a truth serum and interrogated, she is technically being abused...

Anonymous said...

Who is the character you are playing in this week website? She is extremely lovely in her outfit.Please do more of her in the future thank you.

Anonymous said...

Housecat have you ordered the intruder video. Becca. gets abused in that one. What a great video!!!!!

Superbecca said...

That character was an old version of Robyn,
I try to do what everyone wants to see, but it is difficult to please everyone. Some like me as the dom some like me as the victim. I love being the victim helpless tied up but I always cannot be the victim, it depends on who i have shooting. Now that Robyn is on the site, she plays a great dom, and I can be helpless but I also turn the tables.

Superbecca said...

Thank you Andy & Greg for the nice comments, smiles/

Anonymous said...

Do you prefer to be the victim or do you prefer to be the dominant? Or do you like both equally?

Superbecca said...

Helpless victim

Anonymous said...

Oh wow...that's pretty cool. I thought you would have said both equally.

If you don't mind me probing further, any particular reasons why you like being the one tied and helpless?

I actually prefer being helpless myself. I enjoy the feeling of being tied up and not having control of what happens to me and knowing that my captor has control of me. It is a pretty fun feeling.

Al said...

Your right anonymous. It is a fantastic video!!!!! Housecat you should check it out. I don't know if it has what you call abused. But Becca looks abused. Smiles

Superbecca said...

House cat, i am offering Customs with Robyn, if you want to see me abused, I would love to do a custom video for you, I am sure Robyn would love to abuse me!!