Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Day From Defender


Andy said...

Happy Valentines Day to you.

Jim said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours as well Becca!

Tony said...

Happy Valentines Defender!! Love Tony X

Superbecca said...

Thanks everyone. Hubby surprised me today at studio with balloons and candy!! Then my son came by and brought more candy, a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Is he taking you out to dinner as well??Have you ever been out dressed as one of your superheroines?

Superbecca said...

No we are having a cozy dinner at home smiles. Yes i have been out in my costume before, as a matter of fact one Christmas I went to the mall as Super girl and walked around the mall

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been out dressed as SB or Defender ??

Superbecca said...

Yes I have as SuperBecca

Superbecca said...

Defender shows way too much...

Anonymous said...

what was the reaction to you dressed as SUPERBECCA?

Superbecca said...

The Kids loved it, and I signed many autographs, it was fun

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been where there was just only adults and what location and type of weather were you at?

Superbecca said...

Which one is your favorite?

Superbecca said...

No I haven.t except for Halloween on Franklin street one year

Anonymous said...

maybe you should try it see what kind of result occurs

Superbecca said...

I did go to Fetish Con in Tampa two years in a row and wore my costumes .

Anonymous said...

Do you ever wear your costumes for your husband?

Superbecca said...

I do not attend any adult parties if that is what you are getting at

Superbecca said...

His Favorite is Black Cardinal.

Superbecca said...

He shot my snow Photos,

Anonymous said...

Oh... that's pretty cool. Those were excellent photos.

It's also sweet that you and your husband share in those moments as you dressed as a superheroine :)

Anonymous said...

Have you maybe went shopping wearing your SB costume under a trench coat?

Superbecca said...

Yes when he shoots me for my site, he sees me in costume

Superbecca said...

Thats really the only time I wear my costumes

Superbecca said...

No that i can remember

Anonymous said...

do you ever wear your SB inside your home after shooting?

Superbecca said...

No I don't

Anonymous said...

wow this has been great getting to know the inner SB ,would love to know the result seeing SB going out shopping?

Superbecca said...

It was fun

Anonymous said...

would love to know the result seeing SB going out shopping?Try doing it soon pleaseeeee

Superbecca said...

I do not think I will be doing that anytime soon

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that would be a great shoot for you.

Superbecca said...

Maybe Halloween

Anonymous said...

I think it would be so much greater than doing it on halloween

Superbecca said...

Well that’s when I would feel comfortable sorry

Anonymous said...

you have no reason to feel uncomfortable SB your such a wonderful female professional

Anonymous said...

your SB personal costume is first rate and very high classed for you to wear.