Wednesday, February 28, 2018


One year ago today February 28th  Sasha passed away.  RIP girl you are so missed!



Tony said...

Is it a year already? RIP Sasha. You will never be forgotten. Bless

Andy said...

Wow Becca It's hard to believe it's been a year already. RIP Sasha

Superbecca said...

Yes it seems like it was yesterday. So sad, i miss her. Thanks Tony & Andy

Jim said...

Damn...a year ago, this still sucks. Sorry for your lost Becca. RIP Sasha.

Al said...

Maybe if you ever have some extra time, which you probably don't, you could do a tribute to her on your site.

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Hard to believe it's a year already. She is missed.

Superbecca said...

Yes she is very much missed. A very good friend. RIP

love Becca