Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Room 101

A recent custom.  Room 101


Tony said...

Wow! I like that very much!!

Mr. W said...

Tony, I had to send her there for a "treatment" because she wasn't adjusting to captivity. Besides rats, Defender had to face robots, a ticking time bomb, and the threat of electro-shock!


Al said...

Mr. W. You could have shipped her to me for a treatment. Smiles

Mr. W said...

Al, it's no coincidence that International Auction's "Room 101" is named after the one in Orwell's book "1984". After having Defender shipped to me (in Defender: Delivered), her resistance made it necessary for me to contact The Curator of International Auction's Rarest and Most Exclusive Collection, for advice. He offered to accept her for placement in the "room of greatest fears". It wasn't long after I agreed that black-clothed men appeared at my door to collect Defender. I hope to get her back shortly, and this time in a more pliable state. Afterward, I might consider shipping her your way.


Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

If I were in charge Defender would be tied up even more tightly, so she had even less ability to move as the worst fear crawls over her helpless body.

dr_quiesse said...

hopefully these rats are as naughty as in the video 282 :)
I like when Defender is the victim of a disfunction of his costume