Wednesday, July 5, 2017


anyone that has ordered a custom, i am finally getting back to normal, well, not all the way normal, I am shooting in the garage and outdoors, Thank you for your patience through this very stressful process i have been going through with my studio since March  and still going through it  I am hoping  with  enough business I can put a building on my property someday  So if you love outdoor bondage, get your customs in, Brandy and I are ready!

Thanks for your patience



Tony said...

No problem's definitely worth waiting for. You have my support 👍

Superbecca said...

Smiles, maybe we should shoot it while your here, and please resend me those videos

Tony said...

That's a very good idea and yes will do

Superbecca said...

Thanks Tony

Tony said...

You're very welcome Becca. I will do that over the weekend