Thursday, July 20, 2017


hi everyone

Please give me feedback on my site.


Had some negative remarks made by one of the sites


Andy said...

Becca. When your in business, negative remarks are part of it. Sorry to say. You keep up the good work. Your true fans love you. Smiles

Zac said...

Becca I agree with Andy. Those who can't criticize. Screw them. We love you. Keep up the good work. Smiles

Tony said...

Becca. Your website is absolutely fantastic. The work you put into it is absolutely wonderful. I truly love what you do and you make me and your other fans very happy. For the ones that criticise you...they're not worth the time of day. For those that don't know this...Becca saved my life last year. I was in a very bad place with bereavements and health problems(cancer investigations which were thankfully negative). Her website got me through such a traumatic time. With what was going on around me, her work made me smile. It made very dark days brighter. When I honestly felt like giving up, Becca turned my life around. Looking at her site everyday inspired me to smile again, laugh again and embrace every day. When people criticise her personally and criticise her work, it really upsets me. If other people knew what her site did for me in those very dark days, they should think before they open their mouths. Becca...Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You saved me..and you're the reason why I am still here today. That's why her website is one in a million.

Anonymous said...

If you don't mind me asking...what was the negativity directed at and what are you looking for feedback on specifically) I don't really think anyone here had any problems with the content provided on your site as evidenced by the comments made here and other posts.

I know that xsiteabilty hosts fetish sites and I'm guessing that they were criticizing your format (at least that's how I read this) and are trying to get you to switch to their services.

I could be totally wrong but am curious if you are looking for feedback on content or the layout of your site?

Superbecca said...

They said I was ripping folks off by selling postage size clips and he was not getting his money worth

This person moved to xsiteability com because he could not make it anywhere else

Superbecca said...

Layout content

Anonymous said...

Becca your the hottest babel on the net.

Anonymous said...

Becca that was suppose to say your the hottest babe on the net. But I think you're fans already know that. Smiles

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Your site is great and provides wonderful updates. I love your work! You can't please everybody, especially internet trolls.

Al said...

Becca Andy is right. Business is business. Don't let the bastards get you down. Your too pretty and hot to worry about them.

Anonymous said...

More bikini Beccca

Zac said...

Becca I know you can only do so much. Any thing you do is great. We appreciate all that you do. Since it's the Summer of fun. Any thing outside would be fantastic. Fans keep mentioning bikini. That would be great, or swimsuit. We just would just like to see more of you. Smiles

coreliandude76 said...

Well... Your videos are kind of overpriced, dear. I mean, I can get amazing 20 to 40 minute long videos in excellent websites like Borderland Bound, Andrea Rosu's Kinky Explorations, Ludella Hahn, Born to Be Bound and Girl Next Door Bondage and many others for less than 20 dollars. Yours on the other hand, are very expensive. Some of them nearing 40 bucks. I mean you are beautiful and all, but you gotta be more competitive, dear. Don't take this the wrong way, and if you do, seems that the truth really hit you.

Superbecca said...

Thanks for the feedback. No offense taken. I charge the normal per min like everyone else on the net!

Superbecca said...

Thank you for the kind words! I am so happy about that! Glad your well now!

Superbecca said...

It was aimed specifically toward member clips. Not my downloads or DVDs

Anonymous said...

I can understand some of the criticism against the member clips. I don't think they are a "rip-off" but I wish they were either longer or were taken from the actual bondage peril in the movie. Some of them have the bondage part, but a lot of them just feel like it is the setup and a brief shot of the fade in to the bondage. I understand the reasoning for it and I get that they are just preview clips, so I wouldn't say it is a ripoff by any means but can understand the criticism and frustration with it.

Andy said...

Becca is definitely not trying to rip anyone off. She doesn't have the resources the other sites have. However she is BEAUTIFUL.

Anonymous said...

To kind of follow up on what coreliandude76 said and the pricing of videos.

I think that the "pricing per minute" thing is more effective on smaller clips, not necessarily on full length videos. I don't really mind paying $8-20 on a clip that is the dollar amount per minute but once you start getting into the $30-$50 range, it starts to get a little pricey and at that rate, if the video isn't damn near perfect or contain exactly what I am looking for, I am hesitant to purchase again if the price is that high.

I personally appreciate the fact that Becca makes extremely long videos and for the most part, the majority of the video is bondage and struggling but it makes me really selective when I am being asked to spend $50-$60 for a video.

I think that maybe making shorter clips in the 10-20 minute range might help in that regard as $10-$20 carries much less risk (at least from my perspective, can't speak for everyone) when it comes to buying fetish video. I'm less disappointed if the video doesn't pan out to be what I was expecting at that length.

When looking at clips4sale, most of the producers do charge the "pricing per minute" rate, but most of the videos are shorter in length. It seems once they go beyond the 30 minute mark, a lot of them do discount their prices considerably but from reading some of the comments on the Superheroine Forum from producers that do this, they are typically taking losses unless it just happens to be magic and sells like crazy.

As with the above comment, I don't think the videos are a ripoff or anything of that nature, I totally understand the pricing per minute model so I already know that it is just a thing when it comes to the fetish video world, I am just speaking from my experience that I feel that the rate carries much less of a risk from the consumer perspective because a $50-$60 video is a kind of a commitment in terms of the price.

Andy said...

One thing Becca does. Almost every holiday she adds bonus material.

Zac said...

Wow that is great feedback. Not negative just quality comments.

Anonymous said...

Becca are we going to see more summer photos and videos. If you get near a pool or lake etc. You in a swimsuit or one of your alter egos. This is the Summer of Fun isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Was checking out your twitter feed.
With regard to the two web sites that you mentioned, there is an alternative.
By now I estimate that you have over 400 hours of videos that you have produced.
Perhaps the best response is use these places the way they are using your work.
If you were to place 20 three minute videos on a site like that, it would be only 1/4 of 1% of your inventory. You could plug your site and anyone who sees the other videos will see these as well.
If you can not control if free
samples are being handed out, maybe the best reaction is to be the person handing out the samples and to take the opportunity to charm people into visiting your site.

Superbecca said...

They removed my videos. It is sites like those that put producers out of business

Superbecca said...

Also they are putting up 50 min videos. If we continue to let them do this we will be out of business

Tony said...

This is absolutely disgraceful. All that hard work you put in and they are just taking it and putting up on their sites. Becca you have my full support. I will never give up my membership and that is cast iron guarantee 100%.

Anonymous said...

You look and see a parasite. Did you notice that on that one site you mentioned that you had over 18,000 views on two videos?
How many potential subscribers might be in that audience?
If done right, these things can be less a parasite and more like a symbiotic relationship. There is a reason that businesses give away free samples, after all.

Chrisnylons said...

Like looking at pictures of Becca especially ones with her legs in pantyhose and heels. I have become a big fan of the beautiful Becca in such a short time need to make up for all the things ive missed out on