Sunday, February 12, 2017

Video 420

Bad Cop Becca captures Nebula coming soon


Jim said...

As stated in the other picture, you and Sasha both look sexy in this video. You always look phenomenal in that villainess outfit. The gloves and the boots are amazing. It's always a nice treat when you are the one in control of the heroine.


Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

I totally agree with Jim

Superbecca said...

Thank you Jim & Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril

Andy said...

Becca thanks for the fantastic Valentine's day update, on your site.

Anonymous said...

What update?

Superbecca said...

you are very welcomed Andy!

Andy said...

Valentine's Day update on Becca's members site.

Al said...

Great added update for Valentine's Day thanks

Anonymous said...

Becca thanks for giving us a holiday update. I guess we'll have to wait till Easter for the next one.

Zac said...

You're right anonymous. can't wait Easter Bunny Becca

Anonymous said...

I like the sound of that. Easter Bunny Becca

Superbecca said...

That should be fun, have to find me a Easter Bunny Outfit