Friday, February 24, 2017


Any one out there in my area, that knows the ropes and wants to tie me up!  Let me know.  I did have one person interested but, he had other things in mind and since I am married he felt uncomfortable so that never happened, which is probably for the best!

Shoot me an email if  you are in my area!  I would love to do some on screen captures, kidnap scenes!



Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Yeah...if he felt uncomfortable about that, maybe for the best. You know I would do it if I were closer!

Andy said...

Sounds like you need your fans to take a road trip.

Superbecca said...

Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril, I know you would smiles, maybe someday!!

Superbecca said...

Andy absolutely smiles

Mr. W said...

Tempting, but fate has charted a different course for me. Regrettable.


Superbecca said...

I understand Mr. W

Anonymous said...

Surely their is someone close enough to help you.

Superbecca said...

I do have some one that I pay and they help but will not appear on camera, I need a villain on screen

Anonymous said...

Where is your studio? What state? What city?

Anonymous said...

I might have some extra vacation time. Sort of use it or loose it. Not sure where your at

Superbecca said...

Well where are you from and what is your name