Thursday, February 23, 2017


I am very sorry.  DIxie primate is doing the updates, and I do not know what the problem is that the updates are wrong.

Will fix this asap

sorry about this


Tony said...

No problem Becca. It will get sorted out. You have my support

Superbecca said...

this is very frustrating and I am very sorry about this

Tony said...

It will get sorted. All will be okay when it is. I'm very sure it will be worth waiting for

Superbecca said...

everything is fixed with an extra update. Thank you for your patience


Andy said...

Becca you really didn't have to add update. Things happen. We know you were working to fix it asap.

Anonymous said...

Great updates Becca I especially liked the blue dress one. Smoking hot. Thanks for giving us 2 this week. I think you felt bad for the delay on the first one. Heck I remember when your updates were posted every Saturday.

Superbecca said...

yes I did feel bad about this happening twice in a row. Hope you enjoyed the updates