Sunday, May 1, 2016

Coming soon you won't want to miss it!

Coming soon.... you won't want to miss it!!


Zac said...

WOW YOU ARE SMOKING HOT!!!!!!! Be careful you don't catch that wood on fire! !!!

Anonymous said...

I agree I've never seen you look hotter!!!!!!!

Al said...

Wow Becca is this a new character? Is this part of a video? Which ever. I LIKE!

Anonymous said...

Me like too! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope their is a fire extinguisher handy.

Phil said...

Becca I thought you in that Blue Superbecca swimsuit a few months back was as good as it gets.

Boy was I WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lord god, I am so done, he keep making her feel like she is a goddess,I just don't get it, have fun all

Andy said...

You may not think Becca is a goddess. She is a very nice woman. In fact she would probably agree with you. She does all this for fun. When her fans post on her blog or sites, it's their way of encouraging her. Most of us thinks she's HOT. Your allowed your opinion. One suggestion. Why don't you order a custom video. I sent her a script. It was better than I expected.

Robert said...

She did a custom video for me. It was fantastic. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!

Mr. W said...

Waiting on a quote for a custom video I requested. No doubt it will be awesome!


Robert said...

You can bet on it Mr. W

Superbecca said...

Smiles thank you everyone

Anonymous said...

Becca can't wait for the update. Becca is this a video or stills?

Lee said...

Becca I'm new here. What is a custom video?

Anonymous said...

Becca you may not be a goddess, but you sure look like a goddess in that outfit.

Pete said...

Becca that outfit sure shows off your gorgeous legs and body. Was not a big fan until now.

Reggie said...

I had Becca do a custom video for me. She did it so well I ordered a second one.

Reggie said...

I had Becca do a custom video for me. She did it so well I ordered a second one.

Lee said...

What is a custom video?

Superbecca said...

A custom is the creation of your own video, Which character you want, what kind of ties, etc length of video, its your fantasy brought to life by me. Email me if your would like your own custom video and we can work out the details

love Becca

Superbecca said...

This is a video