Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Super Becca finds herself once again captured!


Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

No! We're never letting you go!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness the villain didn't strip her of her cape.

Anonymous said...

Your to cute to be tied to a chair superbecca.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the magnificent caped wonder SUPERBECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!from JC

Superbecca said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes

Anonymous said...

would love SUPERBECCA to wrap me up inside her cape

Al said...

When is your birthday becca?

Al said...

When is your birthday becca?

Anonymous said...

it was May 14

Anonymous said...

Sorry we missed wishing you a happy birthday. Hope you had a nice one.

Superbecca said...

its ok just another day

Anonymous said...

No it isn't not for our caped wonder

Anonymous said...

you are on a higher level then other women.