Friday, April 29, 2016



Mr. W said...

Impressive! Becca, I don't remember seeing this from a past set. Is it "coming soon"? If not, then I hope you'll post more in a full update. Very raw, very retro B&W. It's classic DID, right out of a movie serial.


Al said...

Movie serial sounds cool.

Superbecca said...

Thank you glad you like it

Anonymous said...

you can make lots of dollars with the choke outs, no sure why you don't do more, they are hot as hell

Superbecca said...

I will keep that in mind. I have done many many videos in the past with choke outs

Anonymous said...

I would come inside that room take you as mine then leave unnoticed

Superbecca said...


Anonymous said...

would love for SUPERBECCA to wrap me up inside her cape