Saturday, September 26, 2015

school desk

Today i went out looking for good deals, I found a school desk in perfect condition, and I had to have it, now I will tie up my school girl LOL.  It's so nice having someone to (play with, i.e. tie up) and it also gives me time to practice on my ties.!  I am also training Heather to work the camera as well as tie me up, so we are gonna have the tables turned SOON!!  So stay tuned........



Anonymous said...

School Girl Becca Great can't wait.

Houndog said...

Does that mean School Girl Becca

Superbecca said...

Well I was thinking Heather, but I can do it as well!

Houndog said...


Superbecca said...

I am sure I will do that

Anonymous said...

An interesting concept would be to have Defender or SuperBecca get captured by a "Headmistress" type villainess that captures her victims and sentences them to "detention" where they are tied to the chair and desk as punishment and also subjects them to various "after school activities".

Rulers for spankings, utilizing blindfolds and dunce caps for humiliation, forcing them to write "I will not stop the Headmistress from taking over the world" on the chalkboard, and other various school-type punishments with an extra kinky twist. They could also be sent to the Principal's office for interrogation about their friends and promised to be let go if they fess up.

Could be interesting.

Superbecca said...

thats a very interesting scenario, thanks, will keep that in mind!