Monday, September 28, 2015

Boots for Heather

Hey Everyone

I wanted to run something by everyone...... Heather is in need of boots size 8.5.  She has been squeezing into my boots which are size 7's  If any one would like to send Heather boots or heels they would be very much appreciated.  It's getting kind of hard for her wearing too small boots.  She is a trooper though and wears them anyway.

Thanks Everyone!!


Red, white, black any color will do but mostly to go with super herione outfits.


Anonymous said...

In your travels becca have you found any boots that would fit her at yard sales or maybe the goodwill store.

Superbecca said...

I have not been to any yard sales lately

Anonymous said...

Can you possibly provide some samples for ones that she is possibly interested in from Amazon or add them to your Amazon Wishlist?

Possibly Santa will see Heather has been on the "nice" list and help out, *wink*.

Superbecca said...

Thank you

Superbecca said...

I would like to thank Fiendish Villain' for Heathers's boots they are awsome, as well as the ones you sent for me. I cannot wait to be tied up in them. Thank you so much for sending them!!



Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

You're welcome! And I can't wait to see you tied up in them!