Monday, September 14, 2015

need feedback

I wanted to run something by everyone, I know the answer already goes

Every site that i have viewed recently has topless and vibrators in them, it is rare to find a site without that.  Girl on girl etc....

Tell me what interests you, is this something you would like to see?  I don't think in the long run it would pull in new business, because once you have seen it all, its like whats the point.

I am a small website compared to most.  I do everything, I MEAN everything myself, I don't have help with shoots, other than Graphic Monkey  shooting me from time to time and Javier., so there is stuff that I am unable to do, as I am the rigger and shooter, and sometimes I get tied up,

Just want to know do you enjoy what I do, would you like to see something different,  Send me your ideas, let me know something.

Thanks everyone


Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

Personal view - I think you know what I will say -- I don't think you should do more graphic things. I really like what you do and it's good that it is different from a lot of what is out there. I may be a minority here but my 2 cents....

Anonymous said...

I agree Villain 100%

Anonymous said...

You can still do a lot without going topless or using power tools. Personally, I really liked the predicament videos you did and I think you should bring those back for another round. Especially the box, which I would have liked to have seen used more. There is a very good “teaser” photo on the blog of Superbecca in the box, but the story didn’t develop any further from there! And the lacing board could use a twist or two. For example, why not use it for a hogtie? Put the model face down and thread them to the board that way. Do it well and they won’t go anywhere (and the viewers will know this). And, “kidnapped and carried off” is also a scenario you might consider exploring again (like in vid 256).

Houndog said...

I agree with both relies. I think your way too classy. Maybe you can find other models.

Superbecca said...

Thank you all for your feedback, it is much appreciated, and thank you for the ideas. I will have to get the box back out, and use it more often, and the lacing board with a hog tie is a great idea. I love predicament bondage, but I am running out of things to be tied to and I don't want any one getting bored seeing the same thing. I would of never thought about a hog tie on the lacing board great thinking.


houseman said...

I guess I can post here, it wont work for me

Vladi Wizard said...

I think you are doing fine with the content that you have. Personally, I hate girl-on-girl primarily because it is soooo over done. Too many producers think that all guys want is to check out lesbian activity. Well, I don't and even if there is a great story with fantastic costumes and acting and bondage, I won't pay a dime for such.

But, that's just me. :)

Anonymous said...


It's more about how you're tied to the prop than the prop itself. Consider more creative situations and I guarantee people won't get bored.

Superbecca said...

Thank you will think that over....

Superbecca said...

I cant wait to do a hog tie on the board, that's so exciting... I have two boards now, so I must find another victim, and tie them both!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm glad you approve. I've thought about recommending that you try something different with the lacing board for a while now. Good luck!

Superbecca said...

Thank you for the suggestion!!

Superbecca said...

Thank you everyone for your feedback. I do know that all of the sites have topless, girl/girl etc and those sites are the ones who are making all the money, and whatever floats their boat is fine with me I have nothing against what anyone does, My site is a small site run by me, and I hope people will continue to enjoy what I do, so I can continue doing what I love, and bringing everyone's fantasy to life, it is not easy for me, but I am not one to quit. I have been doing this for 18 years now. Thank you to the ones that order customs from me, as that really helps me a lot and thank you to the ones that are members of my website without you all I would not be here, so THANK YOU VERY MUCH!


Superbecca said...

Also Dixie is my hero helping me with the site, he deserves a lot of credit for everything he helps me with on the site.

Thank you Dixie very much

Anonymous said...

What about instead of doing topless and using pleasure tools, what about bawdy talk about being aroused while tied up?

Superbecca said...

well when I am tied up I am gagged so that would be difficult to talk about, unless it is in my movements smiles

Superbecca said...

It is so hard trying to make it in this business when there are so many other sites that offer way more than me, You never know Defender may have to show her breasts in the future, all be it during the struggle of course!!!