Friday, September 25, 2015

First attempt at a hog tie on the lacing board

My first attempt
at a hog tie laced to my new board.
WW's Lasso is around her ankles!

Heather was a trooper, this took quite some time!!


constajc said...

would love to see Becca Marvel tied up like that

Anonymous said...

Perfect! It's just how I envisioned it would be!

Superbecca said...

Thanks, I am my worst critic, as everyone knows, looking at the image I see what would of looked great, with a rope around her neck laced to the front end of the board! Oh well maybe next time! Glad you approve!

constajc said...

Try the dynamic trio in that lacing board(SUPERBECCA,DEFENDER,MARY MARVEL)

Anonymous said...

Next you can try a ball-tie. Lace Heather's torso to the board as usual, only bring her knees to her chest. Secure them with rope passing behind the knees, shoulders, and nape of the neck. You can tie each wrist to a calf and secure her ankles with lines from each side of the board (it would look like a triangle). I'd recommend a short skirt!

Superbecca said...

Not sure if I can handle a ball tie.

Superbecca said...

I do not think three heriones would fit on that board