Saturday, April 18, 2020

stay well


I hope everyone is doing well, and staying home, I know the past few weeks have been difficult for most as well as my self.

Just wanted to say, we will beat this virus..... stay well everyone



Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the picture of Defender on twitter.Love how you model your cape for all of us to be in amazement of your sheer beauty.

Jim said...

Glad to hear you are doing well Becca!

I noticed on Twitter you say that the upcoming Darla video is going to be "limited time" it only going to be available for a little bit then removed? If so, why is that the case?

Anonymous said...

Becca, can you divulge where you got the bodysuit you are wearing in the Darla video? Hopefully it was on Amazon or something like that...

Superbecca said...

the body suit is not available anywhere on the net, its one of a kind... I was lucky!!