Saturday, October 26, 2019


Should I  keep this blog going?  I guess Twitter gets more attention.   Shooting Halloween this week, so excited about Halloween, you can dress up and no one looks at you funny LOL

Robyn and I are a hard working team.  Show us some love and join the site buy our clips and order custom videos.  We love making your fantasy come true


Jim said...

I hope you keep this Blog going. It may not be the best avenue for discussion, but I think it's laid out easier to see newer posts (and even scroll through to find older ones). I personally hate Twitter...but I understand that it is a much more popular website for promotion.

You and Robyn look amazing here! I'm glad you guys work well guys always look great together.

I've been eyeing a few of your videos, the "Blue's Ultimate Peril" video looks (and from the description sounds) great, and "Black Widow Captures Mary Becca" good. That heat lamp torture sounds like it was a bit fun to shoot.

Superbecca said...

I will try but not many respond to anything here

Thanks for the kind words

Twitter is twitter. There is so much porn out there my stuff gets drowned