Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Blue Heroine


Jim said...

I love this outfit. It's nice and simple, and you look amazing in it. I love the white boots and the belt accessory you have, it is a nice touch.

Hopefully you don't get captured, it seems as if your butt is a little exposed and would be a good spot for your captors to target for a nice spanking should you fall into a trap and get captured :D (Of course, I totally hope you do get captured in it!)

Superbecca said...

Thank you Jim. It seems there isn’t much interest in spankings but I will keep that in mind. Still no name yet

Jim said...

For the name, how about the "Blue Beauty"? I think "Rain" sounds kind of cool as well. Just a few suggestions.

Anonymous said...

latest update was the same as april 18th

Superbecca said...

No it’s from the same set different images

Superbecca said...


My webmaster got deployed and a new webmaster has taken over and apparently posted a duplicate update. It will be corrected soon

Dave said...

if you are still looking for a name, how about "Cobalt Avenger"?

Superbecca said...

Sounds Great, I am still deciding