Sunday, January 27, 2019

photographers models

I am looking for models and photographers in my area, Hillsborough NC.  If you are interested please email me at

I should be set up in my new studio soon.  I am doing this myself is why it is taking so long.

Rooms need sound proofing before I can shoot video. because of neighbors, which I am not very happy about, but it is what it is.

The saw is not setup yet, trying to figure that out, not much luck on that

I will keep everyone informed.

Check out my estore and buy some clips and join my website it helps!!



Fiendish Villain's Place of Peril said...

I hope you're up and running in your new studio soon!

Superbecca said...

I am working on it as hard as I can, so much to do

Superbecca said...

still not set up, I do not know how to set up that saw,

Andy said...

Great update for valentine's day. Thanks for thinking of us.

Superbecca said...

Your welcomed. Happy Valentines Day