Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Defender Fan coming soon

Hi everyone

I know i do not post here often, mainly because no one else posts here.  But wanted to let you know what is going on in Becca's world

The studio I was shooting in, the property has been sold, so I am in the process of moving to another studio, and it is a struggle to get moved and then try to put everything in place, it has been a nightmare so to speak.  It is a more affordable studio, so that is a plus and lower rent!  So I am getting things ready, it takes time!

I have new videos coming out, Defender Fan is a great video, that was shot at the cabin, I just have not been able to edit it with this move, and I am working on Joker 2 as well, that is going to be one hot video! 

What I would like is for you to tell me what you want to see, which character you like best  Remember I have
Black Cardinal
Super Becca
Mary Becca
Penelope Princess
Bat Becca

Who is your favorite?  Let me know!



Greg said...

My top 3 faves have always been Robyn, SB, and Defender.

Superbecca said...

I know you love Robyn!

Jim said...

My favorites are Black Cardinal and Defender. Penelope Princess and Mary Becca are also pretty awesome characters.

Superbecca said...

Wow awsome!

Jim said...

I forgot to mention that I love Mistress Becca as well. I know your list was more your good/heroine characters, but I also love seeing you as the bad girl from time to time ;)

Superbecca said...

Jim I love playing Mistress Becca!

Jim said...

Ooh...I'm glad to hear you love playing Mistress Becca. It's always fun to see you in control and dominating some helpless heroine after seeing several videos/pics of you in the submissive role.

I love seeing you have some deliciously evil smiles and looks when you don the Mistress Becca persona in your updates when you do them.

Superbecca said...

I can definitely play the role of the mistress!

Jim said...

And you look so good doing it too ;)

Tony said... top 3 favourites are:
2..Dom Becca

They are awesome but if I could have four it would include Black Cardinal!!
And with the upheaval of moving to another studio it does take time to get more organised. I can imagine the stress that comes with it too! But we are totally behind you!! You always have our support and we all love what you do! And I totally understand you haven't had time to edit the new Defender fan movie..but you will get there. I would love to see Defender on location in a different city..that would be awesome!! Anything is possible!! But most importantly the studio will be put right..then after the fun can begin!! So let's all make 2019 a fantastic year for Superbecca and friends!!

Andy said...

Nice hat he really is a fan of Defender! ������

Andy said...

Nice hat he really is a fan of Defender! 😊👍😉

Breyer said...

Hey HEY Becca!
I hope your studio stays put; What kind of property owner would throw Becca away???
I just couldn't imagine someone saying "Yeah, I don't want a stunningly beautiful woman doing stunningly sexy things on my property. Phooey!!!"

My top 2 have ALWAYS been Defender and Secretary Becca. They've both taken my breath away just too many times for too many years. :P

Unknown said...

Defender and Superbecca are my two favorites

Edgar said...

I'm looking forward to all the new stuff this year. The idea of more erotic content is very exciting.

Anonymous said...

Defender ,Superbecca. Becca Marvel are my top 3

Anonymous said...

I like SB.

Superbecca said...

Thanks for letting me know your favorites. What scenario would you like to see in future shoots

Anonymous said...

You forgot Black Scorpion. 😊

Superbecca said...

Also if there are any photographers passing through , please let me know as I always need a villain to capture and bind me smiles

Superbecca said...


Superbecca said...

Wow i have so many!

Superbecca said...


Superbecca said...

I wish there were two of me. One to shoot and one to edit lol I need to step it up and get super with editing if only my computer would cooperate